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17th ITSS call for papers
发表时间:2014-06-19 11:06:55
This year “The International Thermal Spraying Seminar (ITSS2014) and China National Thermal Spraying Conference (CNTSC2014)” will be held by TSCC (The Thermal Spraying Committee of China Surface Engineering Association) in Chengdu city on Oct. 21st to23rd. Now we would like to call for papers to be collected in our Proceedings of ITSS’2014. You are welcome to provide papers in English or Chinese which can be different from your presentation in PPT at this Seminar.
Papers will be accepted for presentation and poster for inclusion in the proceedings by 15thSeptember 2014. All the accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be made available at the conference.
Thank you for your supports and please submit your papers as soon as possible if you want your papers to be collected in our proceedings.
Telephone: +86-10-64882560
Fax: +86-10-64872316
Address: No.1 Beishatan Deshengmen Wai, Beijing,China